Membership Application

If you are interested in supporting the library, please print the form below, complete it and drop it off the next time you come by the library at
219 N Church Street in Mountain City, or send it to Friends of the Library, P O Box 107, Mountain City, TN 37683.

Membership is annual. Please make checks payable to Friends of the Library.

Individual - $10          Family - $15          Gold Member - $50          Sponsor - $100          Benefactor - $250

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Adress: ______________________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________________________

Phone: _______________________________________________________________________________

Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________

*Membership includes admission to Preview Days at Friends of the Library Book Sales.


To support the Johnson County Public Library by promoting its programs, helping the library personnel, and fundraising for books and equipment.

The Friends of the Library is a non-profit organization. Membership fees are paid annually and are used only to support the  Johnson County Public Library. The library could also use help if you can volunteer time, services, or books. The Library and Friends thank you for any and all of your support.

Support the Johnson County Public Library

by joining the

Friends of the Library